How to Fast to Lose Weight---Fasting
Fasting is the act of purposely refraining from consuming any solid food for an extended period of time. Fasting has been used for religious purposes worldwide such as Mormonism, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. Benefits to fasting for a prolonged time include reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, slowed aging process, extended life span, and most importantly rapid weight loss. To find out how to lose weight quickly and effectively using this method, read on.
Understand and acknowledge the health risks to fasting. Fasting for a period of time can cause a starvation response in your body that can lead to serious health risks. Understand the fasting process and what happens to your body during:
During a fast, one's body may go into starvation mode, in which your system reacts to low calories. First, one's body responds to the change by losing weight reserves. The fat within your body is converted into ketone bodies which it uses like a fuel source being a glucose replacement.
After a couple of events of fasting, our bodies continues to increase the amount energy removed from ketone bodies and decrease the volume of glucose consumed causing fat burning rapidly (about 1lb each day). Complications of this include : thinning/hair loss, lanugo, electrolyte imbalances, cardiac arrhythmia or stroke which can lead to death if prolonged to the point of complete starvation.
Excessive fasting for calorie restrictive purposes, associated with intense fears to become overweight are linked to mental disturbances, including anorexia nervosa
Prepare yourself.You should never start a fast immediately. It's important to prepare yourself physically and mentally before beginning a long or short term fast.
Begin eating smaller meals prior to your fast. This may prep one's body for lower calories and slow your appetite. Cut your normal food portions by 50 percent. Try skipping or limiting some meals. It's less difficult and healthier to travel without dinner than it is some other meal. Limit the quantity of food consume before going to bed and not eat any food within four hours before you sleeping.
Eliminate caffeine, salt, sugar, cooked/fried food and meats very slowly. Should you stop too suddenly, you should expect some discomfort. It's vital that you eat strictly no meats or fried fatty foods. Choose to eat issues that are fresh as an alternative to cooked food, i.e. salads and fruits. Fruits of any sort, i.e. fruits, berries, nuts, natural cereal have top quality inside their vibration. Select organic fruits and vegetables which have been grown in natural sunlight understanding that have completely ripened on a sunny day.
Drink a great deal of water. This is really important in preparation of the fast. Water helps maintain you full and reduces your appetite.
Always check with your doctor or physician before fasting.
It's a precaution that comes with its merits. Unsupervised fasting might be dangerous. Slimming pills may be more dangerous. Just like fasting experts let you know to talk a medical expert to find out risks, ask a medical expert to lead you to understand the "contraindications" around the medicines they provide you with.
Go see a doctor, but ask your doctor at least two questions.
- Have you ever fasted?
- Do you really know anything about fasting?
If they answer no to both questions then go see another doctor.
You will probably have to go to a doctor who specializes in natural medicine and healing methods. Try the telephone book, but discover a specialist to know what they are doing concerning fasting
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