seven things you say to your nails for your health
While nothing replaces a visit to the doctor for a proper diagnosis , and check your nails and exotic labels on them, but there are some signs that serves as an early warning signs you,
2 - nails yellow or thick nails yellow certainly does not look pretty , and what causes hue are characteristic of fungal infections that affect the entire nail , says Dr Agarwal . He adds that topical medications often do not do anything to help in the treatment . Therefore , you can visit your doctor to prescribe you an oral drug , which will help to treat the infected nail .
3 - nails dark : at a time when it might monthly checks of suspicious moles on your skin , you must also not lose sight of your nails , a place that often it appears the most serious skin cancer unnoticed one . " Dark brown or black vertical lines on the nail should never be ignored, " warns Dr. Agarwal . " This can be a hallmark of skin cancer , which requires early detection and treatment. " Remarked always nails on a regular basis so you can detect any dark spots or the black lines , so the diagnosis is made and treatment early.
4 - nails Almenkerh : Know depressions and small cracks in the nails clicking on the nails and are often associated with disease, psoriasis , an inflammatory disease that leads to the appearance of scales or red spots all over the body . " Individuals who suffer from psoriasis develop their collections of cells on the length of the nail that accumulate and disrupt the natural growth of a fingernail ," he explains Dr. Agarwal . When these cells are separated to leave low-lying areas or grooves on the surface of the nail. " All you need in this situation is to get a diagnosis , and then your doctor may recommend drugs topical , oral , or injection or phototherapy .
5 - thin or fragile nails : the problem lies in the nail break at the slightest touch , and this could mean a problem in your thyroid gland . This gland in your neck regulate metabolism , energy , growth, and the lack of thyroid hormone often leads to hair loss, brittle nails become thin , grow slowly , says Dr Agarwal . If you notice that your nails brittle , thin , slow-growing , see a doctor as soon as possible to carry out a simple blood test to check that there is no disruption in the thyroid gland, which can be treated with drugs .
6 - white lines on the nails appear white horizontal lines that span the entire nail , and may be an indication of kidney disease, liver disorders , or a lack of protein and other nutrients , says Dr. Agarwal . " It is believed to be caused by a disturbance in the blood supply to the nail due to the underlying disease ," he explains . The show white markings on the nails as a result of the collision of the nail about something , this may last from weeks to months , and usually disappear on their own.
7 - nails blue: The Blue Face is a clear indication of the lack of air flow to someone, the nails blue mean the same thing which you do not get enough oxygen to your fingertips . Can be caused by the disease or respiratory problem in the blood vessels is called Raynaud's disease , a rare disorder of the blood vessels , says Dr Agarwal . Some people have only slowly in the circulatory system , especially when exposed to cold temperatures , if your nails blue constantly you should visit your doctor for a blood test and oxygen levels .
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